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Little Johnny: "Pastor, I heard you said today that
our bodies came from the dust."
Pastor: "That's right, Johnny, I did."
Little Johnny: "And I heard you say that when we die,
our bodies go back to dust."
Pastor: "Yes, I'm glad you were listening. Why do you ask?"
Little Johnny: "Well you better come over to our house
and look under my bed 'cause there's someone either comin'
or goin'!"

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Teacher: "Why is honesty the best policy?"

Student: "Because there is hardly any competition".

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For weeks a little Johnny told his teacher about the baby
that was coming to his house.
One day, his mother let him feel the baby move in her tummy.
He then stopped telling the teacher about the baby.
A week later:
Teacher: "What happened to the baby you were expecting?"
Little Johnny: "I think my Mommy ate it!"

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Nurse: "Wake up!!!"
Patient: "Why what's the matter"
Nurse: "Nothing, I just forgot to give you
the prescribed sleeping pills".

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