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This priest was hearing a woman's
confession when a drunk stumbled
into the booth on the opposite side.
As the priest was finishing with
her he heard the drunk groaning
as if in quite some pain. He slid
open the other panel and asked,
"Are you ok?" All he heard was
another groan. He asked again and
the drunk finally replied, "Yeah,
I feel lots better. Do you have
any toilet paper on your side?"

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Q: Why did the boy wear a belt on his teeth?
A: He couldn't find his braces.

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love is a name.
sex is a game.
So forget the name and play the game.
If you think that sex is funny,
fuck yourself and save the money.

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Q: 4 gay men entered into a bar.
There was only one chair available.
What did they do?
A: They turn it the other way.

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