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One day there was a plane that was going to crash
into a building. Inside the building there were actor,
actress, George W Bush, Osama Bin Ladin and one boy.
There were 4 parachute and 5 people so the actor said:
"I am so famous, if i will die, nobody will watch films",
and he took a parachute and jumped. The actress also
said this and jump.
Then Georgew Bush said: "I am the president of America.
If i will die, nobody will learn anything", and he jumped.
Then there was 1 parachute left, and 2 persons were
there - the boy and Osama Bin Ladin. So Osama Bin Ladin
said to the boy: "I am not afraid of dying, you go".
The boy answered: "Bush uncle took my small bag and
jumped, now we both can go together."

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Q. What did the microphone said to the other microphone?
A. Nothing, they can't talk.

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Q: how do you blow up a hindu?
A: press the rad button.

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One day Sara went to the groccery. She left a note
on the door that says: 'please dont leave anything
to home because no one at home.'
When she came back she saw nothing at home but one
note was there and it said: 'we havent leave much at home.'

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