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Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer? No? Good!

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during the term of the first uk labour government the
atorney general was sent to one of the commonwealth
countries to spend some time to see how its judicial
system was progressing. as he came towards the end of
his study period he asked to be able to sit in one of
the courts to see how their court proceedure mirrowed
that of the uk judicial system. he had been sat in a
court for the best part of the morning session when
all of a sudden the court usher jumped up ran round
the court and touched all the women on the breast.
nothing was said or done and the court proceeded until
the judge decided to break for lunch. consumed with
curiosity the attorney general asked a court official
why the court usher had done this serious thing. oh,
said the official, thats the titter that runs round
the court

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If Karen Carpenter& Mama Cass had lunch
together,would they both still be alive?

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