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Q: What do you get if you cross a parrot and a centipede?
A: A walkie talkie!

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Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A: A fsh.

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Once a hunter and his assistant were hunting in the forest.
The assistant aimed a shot at a tiger but missed.
This made the tiger angry and it started chasing them.
The hunter and the assistant climbed into their car
and took off.
The assistant looked back and said:
"Sir the tiger's just 10 feet away."
Hunter: "Drive faster."
Assistant: "Sir he's just 5 feet away!"
Hunter: "Faster!!"
Assistant: "Just 2 feet away!"
Hunter: "I've got an idea. give a left signal and turn
to the right, the tiger will get confused."

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Q: What kind of dog tells time?
‏ ‏
A: A watch dog.‎

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