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There was a couple who did not want their children to know when they were going to have
sex, so they decided on a code of ''writing a letter.''
One day, Daddy said to his daughter, ''Tell your mommy that Daddy wants to write a
letter.'' The girl went and told her mommy and the mom said, ''The red ribbon is coming
out, not now.'' The girl went back to the daddy and told him.

One day, Mommy told her daughter to tell her daddy that she wanted to write a letter.
Daddy replied, ''Not now. Daddy already wrote the letter by hand.''

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Three girls are sitting around, totally bored so one girl suggests that they make up
nicknames for their ideal boyfriends and name them after soda pops.
"I want mine to be 7-Up, 'cause 7 days a week he's up."

"I want mine to be Mountain Dew 'cause when he's in between my mountains, we'll be doing

"Mine's gonna be Jack Daniel's."

"You can't do that. Here we are talking about soda pop and you're talking about a hard


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Children in the back of the car cause accidents.
Accidents in the back of the car cause children.

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There was a man sunbathing on a beach naked. A girl came along and pointed to his dingly
dangly and asked, "what is that?" He replied, "It's my bird!"
She ran away to play in the sand cheerfully. The man fell asleep. zZzZzZz. Later he woke
up in hospital with pain around his groin. He did not know what had gone wrong. He thought
back maybe the girl might know, so once he was out of the hospital he asked her.

She replied, "I played with the bird and it spat at me so I cracked its neck, broke its
eggs, and burnt its nest."

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