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John stood over his tee shot for what seemed
an eternity, looking up, looking down, measuring
the distance, figuring the wind direction
and speed... driving his partner nuts.
Partner: ''What the heck is taking so long? Hit the ball!''
John: ''My wife is up there watching me from the clubhouse.
I want to make this a perfect shot.''
Partner: ''Give me a break! You don't stand a chance
of hitting her from here.''

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Little Johnny and his mother were at a wedding.
Little Johnny: "Mommy, why does the girl wear white?"
Mother: "The bride is in white because she's
happy and this is the happiest day of her life."
Little Johnny: "Well then, why is the boy wearing black?"

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Bob is walking down the street with a case of beer
under his arm. His friend stops him and asks,
"Hey Bob! Whatcha get the case of beer for?"
"I got it for my wife," answers Bob.
"Oh!" exclaimed his friend, "Good trade."

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Bob was confused about paying an invoice.
He had always hated Math, so, he asked his secretary
for some Mathematical help.
Bob: "If I were to give you $10,000 minus 10%,
how much would you take off?"

Secretary: "Everything but my earrings."

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