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Q: How many honest, intelligent, caring men
in the whole world does it take to do the dishes?

A: Both of them.

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Q: Why won't sharks attack lawyers?

A: Professional courtesy

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One day, the teacher brought in a great
variety flavored lifesavers.
Teacher: "Children, I'd like you to close
your eyes and taste these,"
The children managed to identify the taste
of cherries, melons and mint, but no one
could identify the honey flavoured lifesavers.
Teacher: "I'll give you a hint, It's something
your Daddy and Mommy call each other all the time."
Instantly, one of the children spat the lifesaver
out of his mouth and screamed,
"Spit 'em out, you guys, they're assholes!"

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Math Teacher: Koby, if you put your hand
in one pocket and found 50 cents,
then you put your other hand in your other pants
pocket and found 75 cents, what would you have?
Koby: I'd have somebody else's pants on!

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