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3 mad men run away from the madhouse.
The first one gets to the gate and crawls so the guard will not notice
but the guard heared something and asket: "Who is it?"
The mad man did Miau , Miau , and the guard said to himself
"it only a cat"
The second mad man came crawlling to the gate and Miaued , so the guard was sure it's an
other cat.
The last mad man came all the way to the gate walking , got to the guard and said:
"i am a cat too" , so the guard opened the gate for him...

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What did the big mobile say to the little mobile.

your to young to get engaged.

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A polish Lady go to the doctor
P. W.: "doctor , i think the calcium is running away from my boddy"
Doctor: "well i can understand him , i would..."

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Mircka, a polish girl tell her husband after they had a big fight:
Mircka: Vladek , i am leaving to America.
Vladek: Why ? what will you do in America?
Mircka: They say in America you can get 200$ every time you fuck.
Vladek: well let's see you get along the whole year with 200$...

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