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What do you call a female horse that has just been
born. A HOR!!!

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Where do bees come from?

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A missionary found a new tribe in Africa who did not know the white man.
He made up his mind to stay with them for a few years and help them become part of the
the christian world.
some time later , the chif's daughter gave birth to a white baby.
The chif came to the missionary and told him to take responsibility.
The missionary answered it was not him so the chif said : "you are the only white man we
ever met , it is you who did it".
The missionary pointed at a hillside with over 20 white sheep and only one black lamb.
look he said , all are white and only one black , it can happen in nature , god can do
all sorts of miracles.
The chif answered "you know what , you say nothing on the sheep , i will say nothing on
the boy..."

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3 frogs sit by the pond.
First frog goes : "Qua Qua"
Second frog goes: "Qua Qua"
Third frog goes: "Qua Qua Qua"
First fron takes out a rifle and kills the third frog.
Second frog to first frog: "why did you do that?"
Third frog : "she knew too much"

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