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A woman had two female parrots
who were always yelling,
"We're prostitutes, wanna have
a little fun?"
One day, she was talking to her
Preacher about this. He said he
had two male parrots and all
they did was read the Bible.
He thought perhaps they would
be a good influence on the two
females. So they put the four
parrots together. So, the females
yelled at the male parrots,
"We're prostitutes, wanna have
a little fun?"
One male parrot said to the
other, "Put the Bibles away!
We've made it to heaven!"

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Q: How do you know carrots
are good for your eyes?
A: Because you never see
rabbits wearing glasses!

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Q: Why did the horse say "moo"?
A: It was learning a new language!

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Q: What happens to a cow
during an earthquake?
A: it gives milk shakes!

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