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A koala walks into a bar one night,
slams his paw down on the table,
and orders a drink. When he's done,
slam goes his paw again for more.
This goes on for about half an hour,
and just when he was going to do
it again, the barkeep told him if
he was looking for a good time,
there was some one in the back room
who could help him, the koala decides
why not and goes into the back room.
There he meets a prostitute who is
waiting for him. That night he has
the best sex he has ever had.
After the prostitute turns to the
koala and says, "How about my money"
the koala looked confused and the
prostitute brought out a dictionary
and it said...PROSTITUTE: Has sex for money.
so in response the koala turn to the
definition for the koala and it says.
KOALA: Eats bush and leaves.

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A man walks into a bar with a giraffe
and they proceed to get blitzed.
The giraffe drinks so much it passes
out on the floor. The man gets up and
heads for the door to leave when the
bartender yells, "Hey! You can't leave
that lyin' there!" The drunk replies,
"That's not a lion! It's a giraffe."

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A woman walks into a bar with her
5 pound Chihuahua and sits down
next to this guy, whom she notices
is feeling a little bit queasy.
A few minutes go buy and the guy
looks at her and blows his chunks.
He looks down and sees the little
dog struggling in a pool of vomit
and says, "Whoa, I don't remember
eating that!"

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Q: Why do sea-gulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay
they would be bagels!

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