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Q: How do you tell the difference between a cow and a bull?

A: Milk them both. The one that smiles is the bull.

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Q: What did the man say when the steamroller ran
over his cat?

A: Nothing. He just stood there with a long puss.

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Two dogs were walking down the street.
Dog 1: "Wait here a minute, I'll be right back."
He walks across the street and sniffs this fire hydrant
for about a minute, then walks back across the street.
Dog 2: "What was that about?"
Dog 1: "I was just checking my messages."

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A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting
on one of the shelves, munching on a lettuce leaf.
Lady: "What are you doing in there?".
Rabbit: "This is a Westinghouse, isn't it?".
Lady: "Uh, yes."
Rabbit: "Well, I'm westing".

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