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A very shy guy goes into a
bar and sees a beautiful
woman sitting at the bar.
After an hour of gathering
up his courage, he finally
goes over to her and asks,
tentatively, "Um, would you
mind if I chatted with you
for a while?"
She responds by yelling, at
the top of her lungs, "NO!
I won't sleep with you tonight!"
Everyone in the bar is now
staring at them. Naturally,
the guy is hopelessly and
completely embarrassed and
he slinks back to his table.
After a few minutes, the
woman walks over to him and
apologizes. She smiles at
him and says, "I'm sorry if
I embarrassed you. You see,
I'm a graduate student in
psychology, and I'm studying
how people respond to
embarrassing situations."
To which he responds, at
the top of his lungs, "What
do you mean $300?!"

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Once, a man was having sex with his wife.
While he was having sex, he lost one of
his balls.
He went to the doctor and told him about
his problem.
The doctor made a ball of soil and fixed
it in place of the lost ball.
When the doctor met that man again, he
asked his patient: "Are you doing alright now?"
The man replied: "I am feeling okay, but
one of my ball is hairy and the other one
is grassy."

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A guy walks into a drugstore and
asks the counter some condoms.
The clerk replies "What size?"
"Size? I have no idea."
"Well, go see Brenda in aisle four."
The guy walks down aisle four and
all of a sudden a lady jumps out,
grabs his crotch, and yells out "Small."
The guy runs out of the store never
to return.
A little while later, another guy
comes into the store and asks for
some condoms."
"Fine, What size?"
"Size? I didn't know they came in sizes."
"Well, go see Nrenda in aisle four."
This guy walks down aisle four and
all of a sudden Brenda jumps out,
grabs his crotch, and yells out "Medium."
The guy turns beet red, buys the
condoms, and quickly leaves.
Some time later, a teenager comes into
the store and approached the counter.
"I...I...I need to buy some condoms,"
the kid quickly says, looking away.
"Well, what size do you need?"
"I don't know. I... I've never really
done this before."
"Well, go see Brenda in aisle four."
The kid walks down aisle four and all
of a sudden Brenda jumps out, grabs his
crotch, and yells out "Clean up Aisle Four."

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Stan and Mary got married, but
they were too dumb to know what
to do on their wedding night.
"For God's sake, Stan," said Mary,
"you take that thing you play
with and you put it where I pee."
So he got up and threw his bowling
ball in the sink.

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