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In a speech today about Hurricane Rita, President Bush declared, quote, 'This is a big

In related news, the White House announced earlier today that the president is writing his
own speeches.

-Conan O'Brien

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One man asks his friend, "What about Richard
"He quited of the government", answers the
The first guy asks again, "What about Richard
"He quited of the government", the friend
"Would you say that again?" Requests the
"What is your problem? I told you the answer
twice! Are you hard of hearing?!"
"Well, no, but... I just love hearing this

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Bill Clinton gets into a store, He finds the a woman
and a man.
He tells the girl "Let me show you my game, I
look at your breasts and you look at my prick,
Until someone will surrender!"
The man interferes the conversation:
"Let me show you my game, we both hang ourselves,
who gets stregled first - he is the loser!

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A tragic fire on Monday destroyed the personal library of President
George W. Bush. Both of his books have been lost.

Presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer said the president was devastated, as he had not
finished coloring the second one.

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