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A Marine was coming home from the
Pentagon one day. He noticed that
there was a lot more traffic than
normal. As he got further up the
road all of the traffic had come
to a halt. He saw a policeman coming
towards his car, so he asked the
cop what was wrong. The cop said,
"Man we are in a crisis situation.
Mr. Clinton is in the road very upset.
He does not have the $33.5 million
that he owes his lawyers, and his
family hates him. He is threatening
to douse himself in gasoline and
start a fire."
The marine asked the cop exactly what
he was doing there."
The cop said, "I feel sorry for
the president so I am going car
to car asking for donations."
The marine asked, "How much do you
have so far?"
The cop replied, "Well as of right
now only 33 gallons, but many
people are still siphoning as we speak!"

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The first ladies of UK, Russia and
France were having a meeting with
Lady Hilary Clinton.
The subject of discussion was the
penis of their respective spouse.
The first lady of UK says, "It is
like a gentle man- it stands up,
as soon as I enter the room"
The lady from Russia says, "It is
like an army officer- you do not
know where he will attack from-
front or back.."
The French lady says, "It is like
the screen in the auditorium- once
the act is performed, it drops down..."
Then Hilary says, "It's like a
rumour... it moves from one mouth
to another..."

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Q: What's the difference between
Bill Clinton and Santa Claus?
A: Some people still believe in
Santa Claus.

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Q: Bill and Hillary and Al and
Tipper takes a boat ride, the
boat capsizes, who gets saved?
A: The United States of America!

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