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What does a blonde and a turtle have in common?

When they are on their backs they are screwed!!

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Why did the blonde take her typewriter to the doctor?

She thought it was pregnant because it was missing its

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There was a little blonde girl walking down the street and she
met 2 boys. They told her if she got their football off the roof
they would give her $10. So, she did it and got $10. She went
home and told her mom what she did,her mom said "you stupid
little girl they just wanted to see your panties! "So, the next
day she saw them again,this time they told her we will give you
$20 if you get our ball off the roof. So, she did and they gave
her the money. She went home and told her mom and she said "you
stupid little girl they just wanted to see your panties! "The
little girl replied "No mom I'm not wearing any!!!!!!"

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Q: how do you kill a blonde A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool.

Q: How do you confuse a blonde?A: Give her a bag of M and M's and tell her to put them in
alphabetical order!

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