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Q: Why was the blonde three hours late getting home?

A: The escalator got stuck.

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Q: How do you confuse a blonde?

A: Tell her to go chase parked cars.

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A blonde gets on an airplane and sits down in the first
class section.
Stewardess: " Please move, you don't have first
class ticket."
Blonde: "I'm blonde, I'm smart and I have a good job
and I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica."
Head stewardess: "Please, you have to move"
Blonde: "I'm blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job and
I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica."
The stewardesses don't know what to do, so they get the
The co-pilot goes up to the blonde and whispers in her ear.
She gets up and goes to her seat in the coach section.
Head stewardess: "What have you said to get her to move?"
Co-pilot: "I told her the front half of the airplane
wasn't going to Jamaica".

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A blind man walks into a bar.
Blind Man: "Hey, wanna hear a blonde joke?"
Bartender: "Look buddy, I'm blonde.
The man behind me is a 350-pound professional wrestler
and he is blonde. The bouncer is blonde.
Still wanna tell that blonde joke?"
Blind man: "Nah, I wouldn't want to have to explain
it five times."

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