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There was a blonde, she was driving down the
highway and here comes a trucker right up
alongside of her. She decides to flip him off.
So he pulls her over and asks her to step out
of the car and she does. He draws a cricle
around her and says dont step out of the circle!
He goes over and slashes her tires. He looks
back and the blonde is smiling. Then he tears
out her seats he looks at her and shes giggling.
Then he tears out her radio and her speakers
and looks at her and shes cracking up laghing.
He says: "Why are you laghing?"
She says: "Every time you turnde around, i
stepped out of the circle."

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Q: what can't you tell blondes knock knock jokes?
A: Because they would leave to answer the door.

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Q: why do blondes like bubble gums?
A: only 5 cents a blow...

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Q: What does a blonde and a computer have in common?
A: They both take a five and a quarter inch floppy.

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