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What's the difference between a blonde and a computer?
You only have to punch information into a computer once

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A blonde dyed her hair to red one day, then she takes a walk down the road and comes upon
a farm. She walks up to the fenced yard where the farmer is counting his sheeps. The
farmer said hello and that if she guessed how many he had, then she can keep one. The
blonde thought it was a great idea, so she starts counting in her head. She finally
guessed 26, which was RIGHT!!! The farmer was amazed, but he kept his word. She climbed
over the fence and back with the animal in her arms. The farmer takes one look at her and
the animal and says, " If I guess what natural hair color you have, can i have my dog

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What kinds of people don't get invited to blonde parties?

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A blonde was filling out an application
form for a job. She promptly filled the
columns entitled NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, etc.
Then she came to the column: SALARY EXPECTED.

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