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A blonde to a long-distance telephone operator:
"Could you please tell me the time difference
between Taipei and LasVegas?"
Operator: "Just a minute..."
Blonde: "Thank you," and with that she hung up.

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Q:-There is a Smart Blonde, a Dumb Blonde,
Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny sitting
at a table with $10,000,000 in the middle,
who gets the money?
A:-The Dumb Blonde because there is no such thing
as a Smart Blonde, Santa Clause, or the Easter Bunny.

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A blonde was constantly being kidded in her
office about how dumb she is.
So one evening she goes home and studies a map
of the United States. The next day she goes
into the office and announces that she knows
all 50 states and their capitals.
One of her office mates says,
"OK, whats the capital of Wyoming?"
and the blonde replies, "W."

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Eleven people were clinging precariously
to a wildly swinging rope suspended from
a crumbling outcropping on Mount Everest.
Ten were blonde, one was a brunette. As a
group they decided that one of the party
should let go. If that didn't happen the
rope would break and everyone would perish.
For an agonizing few moments no one volunteered.
Finally the brunette gave a truly touching
speech saying she would sacrifice herself
to save the lives of the others.
The blondes applauded.

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