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A Blonde girl suspects that her boyfriend is cheating
on her.So she goes and buys a gun and then goes to his
apartment.She opens the door and sure enough finds
him in bed with a redhead.
Being very angry,the blond opens her purse to
take out the gun but as she does so, she is
overcome with grief. She takes the gun and puts
it to her head.
The boyfriend yells, "No, honey,don't do it!"
"Shut up" says the Blonde "you're next."

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A blonde and her friend are walking through the park.
Suddenly, the blonde's friend says: "Oh, look, a dead birdie".
The blonde looks up and asks "Where?"

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A blonde walks into a bar. The bartender tells her the drinks are on
the house. When the bartender locks up, there is the blonde on the roof.
He asks her: "What are you doing up there?"
She replies, "you told me the drinks were on the house."

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There is legend that goes like this:
In a bar in New York there is a magical
mirror If you go up to it and tell it the
truth it will grant you a wish If you
lie - poof it swallows you up.
OK, A brunette, a blonde and a redhead walk
into this bar They head straight for the
mirror and the redhead goes first.
She says, "I think I'm the most beautiful
woman on Earth".
Poof- the mirror swallows her up.
The brunette goes up. She says: "I think I'm
the sexiest woman on Earth".
Poof - the mirror swallows her up Last is
the blonde.
She says " I think..." Poof!!

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