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Q: What is a woman doing when she is staring
at a blank piece of paper?

A: Reading Her Rights!

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Q: How do you know when a woman's about to say
something smart?

A: When she starts her sentence with
"A man once told me..."

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Once there were a Mexican man, a Chinese man,
a Black man, and a White man on top of a
mountain. The Mexican man says "this is for
my people" and jumps off the mountain. The
Chinese man says "this is for my people"
and jumps off the mountain. The Black man says
"This is for my people" and throws the white man
off the mountain.

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Two Arabs are chatting.
One of them is flipping through family pictures.
"Yeah, this is my oldest. He's a martyr."
"Here's my second son, he's a martyr too."
"There's a pause... The second Arab says wistfully,
"Ah, they blow up so fast, don't they?"

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