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Q. What do you call an Amish man on the side of the
road, with his hand up a horse's ass?
A. A mechanic

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A white guy walks into a bar, and says to the black bartender,
"Give me a beer, nigger."
The bartender says, "What did you say?"
The white guy repeats, "Give me a beer, nigger."
“How about we reverse the roles, so you can be the bartender”. Says in disgust the black
guy. The white guy agrees. So, the black guy walks out and walks back in and says to the
white bartender,
"Hey honky, give me a beer."
The white guy responds, "Sorry, we don't serve niggers here”.

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A white and a black guy were sitting on the
edge of a swimming pool. The white guy put
his dick into the water and said, "23.5 degrees!"
The black guy put his dick into the water, too
and said, "And 3.5 meters deep!"

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Q: How do you tell the Polish one at a cockfight?
A: He's the one with the duck.
Q: How do you tell the Italian?
A: He's the one betting on the duck.
Q: How do you tell if the mafia is there?
A: The duck wins!

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