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A drunk staggered into a Catholic church
and ended up in the confession booth.
Priest: "What do you need my son?"
Drunk: "Is there any paper on your side?"

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Wife: "Do you see that couple? How devoted they are?
John: "Yes..."
Wife: "He kisses her every time they meet.
Why don't you do that?"
John: "I would love to, but I don't know her well

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A diver is fifteen feet below sea level
when he sees another guy with no scuba gear.
He goes down to thirty feet, and the guy stays with him.
He takes out a waterproof chalkboard and writes:
"How can you stay down this deep without equipment?".
The guy takes the chalkboard and writes:
"You asshole, I'm drowning."

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The respiratory disease SARS has killed many people
in Hong Kong.
Therefore, the Hong Kong Tourism Board has dropped
its new advertising slogan:
"Hong Kong will take your breath away!"
and replaced it with "There's no place like Hong Kong."

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