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John walkes into a bar.
Bartender: "You've got a steering wheel down your pants."
John: "Yeah, I know, It's driving me nuts!"

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George went into a bar and ordered a succession
of Martinis. After each one, he removed the olive
and put it into a jar.
After two hours:
Bartender: "Why do you keep doing that?"
George: "Because, my wife sent me out for a jar of olives."

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Geotge was suddenly attacked by a thief.
ýAlthough Tom put up a tremendous fight, the thief managed
to get the best of him ýand pinned him to the ground.
ýAfter going through George's pockets, all the thief
found was 25 ýcents.
ýSurprised the thief asked George why he bothered to
fight so hard for a mere 25 ýcents.
ýý"Was that all you wanted?" George asked.
"I thought you were after the five hundred ýdollars
I have hidden in my shoe!"ý

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A man and a small boy entered a barbershop together.
After the man received a ýshave and a haircut,
he lifted the boy into the chair.
ýý"I'll be right back," the man said.
"I'm just going to run to the store to buy a green
tie ýto wear to the parade."
ýBy the time the barber had finished the boy's haircut,
the man still hadn't returned.
ý"Looks like your daddy has gone and forgotten
all about you," the barber said.
ýý"Oh, that wasn't my daddy," replied the boy.
"He just walked up to me, took me by ýthe hand
and said we were going to get free haircuts."ý

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