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A six year old boy goes to the hospital
with his grandmother to visit his grandfather.
When they arrive, Danny runs ahead of his granny,
and bursts into his grandfather's room.
"Grandpa", Danny says, "As soon as Grandma comes
into the room, pretend that you are a frog,"
"What for?" asked his Grandpa.
"Grandma said that as soon as you croak,
we're going to Disney Land"

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Q: Why is psychoanalysis quicker
for men than for women?
A: When it's needed to go back to
childhood, men are already there.

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A men went into a doctor's surgery
with a frog on his head.
"That's a nasty looking growth" said the doctor.
"I'll say", said the frog.

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Q: What's the difference between a
terrorist and a woman with P.M.S.?

A: You can't negotiate with the women.

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