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Opinion 2
Not all men are annoying.
Some are dead.

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A woman six months pregnant gets on a bus. She notices the man near her was smiling at
her. She immediately moves to another seat.

but the man's smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed more amused. on
her fourth move, the man bursted out laughing.

The case was taken to court. The judge asked the man what he had to say for himself.

The main replied, "Well your Honor said the man , when the lady got on the bus, I couldn't
help but notice her condition. She sat under a sign that said "The Gold Dust Twins are
coming," and I had to smile.

"Then she moved and sat under a sign that said "Sloan's Liniment will reduce the swelling"
and I had to grin.

"Then she placed herself under a sign that said "William's Big Stick Did the Trick" and I
could hardly control myself.

"but when she moved the fourth time and sat under a sign that said "Good-year Rubber could
have prevented this accident," I laughed out loud."

"Case Dismissed!" said the Judge.

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Me and my wife,
we allways go to bed at the same time.
i get in bed in N.Y. , she in San diego...

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Two men were talking..
1st man: you are a millionaire.
2nd man: yes..thanks to my wife...because of her i am
here today.
1st man: don't you consider yourself lucky to have a
wife like her?
2nd man: NO..
1st man: why not?
2nd man: Becuse I was a Billionire before.

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