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wats 6inches long 2inches wide and drives women wild?

100 dollar bill

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JO came home with his face all swollen :"the dentist took 2 of my teeth out instead of
Why asked his wife ?
He had no change from a 100$ bill

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A terrorist buys a bomb from a KGB man.
The seller tell him: "you must know this a good bomb , it has a "use befor date" on it"
The terrorist : when is that date ?
The seller :"8,7,6,5,

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Shit Maners And Fuck you riding down the motorway on
their motorbikes. Shit falls of of and Maners get of
to help him. Fuck you phones the police and said he
needed some help. The police women says whats your
name fuck you whats your name fuck you!!! Wheres your
maners on the motorway picking up shit!!!!!!

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