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two shoe sales men are sent to Afrika to find new business.
A week later they call the office all exited:
the first to talk declared: they all walk barefooted - no work for us here.
the second to talk declared: none of them have shoes - grate potential for us

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Q: How can you know when a sales person tells you a lie ?
A: His lips move

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Adam came to god and asked for something to fuck at night
so god gave him eve
next adam asked god for something he could fuck at day time
so god gave him a mistress
next adam asket god for some thing that will fuck him day and night
so god created Windows

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A man gets to the office at 06:30 covered with blood.
His boss asks: it is 06:30 , your working day starts 08:00 , why are you so late?
The man answers: I fell from the fifth floor's window.
the boss asks: and it took you 90 minutes to fall?

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