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Q: What is "inbound team work"?
A: the option to blame someone elss for your mistakes

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Asking a writer what he thinks of the critics is like asking a
light poll what it thinks of dogs.

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A newly maried couple had a talk.
the man said: i want to make one thing clear, on sunday i play with my friends , on monday
i go to the pub,
on tuesday i have a meeting at work and on wednesday i play tennis,on thursday
i am with you and the kids (once we have kids) and on friday i do shopping.
over the weekend i go sailing with my friends.
no problem she replied , yet i have only one thing on my time table:
every day at 22:30 i have sex and it would be nice to have you around...

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first guy: my wife is an angel
second gut: you are so lucky , mine is still alive.

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