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A 60 year couple walk the beach and find a bottle. the look in to the bottle and out comes
a Jinni:
Thank's for letting me out of the bottle , i will let you each make a wish and i will
make your wish come true.
The wife asked for a new home to live in .
The Jinni answered "no problem" and built her a castle in a minute.
The man asked for a wife 30 years younger then him.
The Jinni answered "no problem" and made him 90 in a minute .

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Girl a to Girl b: how is it that you look so good and i look so old?
girl b: i get up every day at 06:00 in the morning.
Girl b: and this is what makes you look so good ?
Girl a: no , i get up at 06:00 , look at the clock and go back to sleep for 3 more houres

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Bill Gates went on a fishing vacation.
He sat for houres and houres when a small gold fish was captured by his rod.
Bill who could not find a reason to keep it wanted to put it back in the water
when the little fish asked: Bill , could i make a wish?

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What is the best way to remember your wifes birthday ?
forget it once !

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