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The principle said to the girls in the morning,
"Let us pray now. Oh God! Please,give health to
all the men women and childern".
All the girls prayed but Emily did not pray.
Her teacher ask her, "Why don't you pray?"
Emily said, "My father is a doctor. If all the
men, women and childern are made healthy by God,
then we will become poor. He will not have any patient."

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Tom was bored so he went to see his friend, Paul.
Paul sent his son to opened the drawing room and
seated Tom there. Some time passed but Paul did
not come out. After a long time Tom asked the boy,
"What is your father doing inside?"
The boy replied, "He is waiting for you to go away."

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Q: What did the traffic light say to the bus?
A: Don't look i am changing.

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A man discovered a little black and dry
thing while walking through a field.
He stopped steping and staring on that
thing. But he didn't identify what the
thing was. He picked up it in his hand
and observed colsedly. But this time he
failed again. so he smelt but no smell
came from it. Curiosity stroke him.
This time he touched the thing with his
tougne. As it was wet a dirty smell came
from it like the smell of mandung.
He looked around and thrown it by saying
that "luckily I didn't step on it."

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