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A soldier is being led to
the place of his execution.
"Some bad weather we`re
having" he says to his convoy.
"Look who`s complaining,"
they say, "we have to go back."

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A soldier requested a two-day leave,
as he was to become a father in the
near future. When he returned to the
base one week later, a sergeant asked:
"Was it a boy or girl?"
"I don't know yet. I'll let you know
in about 9 months."

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One soldier ask his sargent:
"Sergeant, what should I do
if my parachute won't open?"
The sargent: "Bring it back
and I'll replace it."

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"Doctor, Doctor, I can't
stop stealing things."
"Take these pills for a
week; if that doesn't
work I'll have a color TV!"

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