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Tom had this problem of getting up late
in the morning and was always late for
work. His boss was mad at him and
threatened to fire him if he didn't do
something about it. So Tom went to his
doctor who gave him a pill and told him
to take it before he went to bed. Tom
slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm
in the morning. He had a leisurely
breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.
"Boss", he said, "The pill actually worked!"
"That's all fine" said the boss,
"But where were you yesterday?"

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Q: What's the difference between
a lawyer and a bucket of shit?
A: The bucket.

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An elderly widow and widower
were dating for about five years.
The man finally decided to ask
her to marry.
She immediately said "yes".
The next morning when he awoke,
he couldn't remember what her
answer was!
"Was she happy? I think so, wait,
no, she looked at me funny."
After about an hour of trying to
remember to no avail he got on
the telephone and gave her a call.
Embarrassed, he admitted that he
didn't remember her answer to the
marriage proposal.
"Oh", she said, "I'm so glad you
called. I remembered saying 'yes'
to someone, but I couldn't remember
who it was."

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Q: How many politicians does
it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Two. One to change it, and
another one to change it back again.

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