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Q: Why don't all teletubie's
go to the toilet together?
A: Because there is only one

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There was this Good american Barber.
One day a Florist goes to him for a
haircut. After the cut, he goes to pay
the Barber, and the barber replies:
"I am Sorry, I cannot accept money
from you; I am doing a Community
Service". The Florist is happy and
leaves the shop. The next morning
when the Barber goes to open his
shop, there is a Thank you Card and
a dozen roses waiting at his door.
A Cop goes for a haircut and he also
goes to pay the Barber and the
barber replies: "I am Sorry, I cannot
accept money from you; I am doing
a community Service". The Cop is
happy and leaves the shop. The next
morning when the Barber goes to
open his shop,there is a Thank you
Card and a dozen Donuts waiting at
his door. A Desi Software Engineer
goes for a haircut and he also goes
to pay the Barber and the barber
replies: "I am Sorry, I cannot
accept money from you; I am doing
a Community Service". The next
morning when the Barber goes to
open his shop,guess what he finds
there - A Dozen Desis waiting for
a free Haircut.

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Two friends, Tanveer and Polash,
were talking about their wives.
They were really fedup of those
two ladies. But one of those
friends, named Tanveer were not
to show that he is unhappy.
So he said: "Yesterday my wife
sat down on her knees in front
of me."
Polash: "Oh, really! you are
so lucky. So, what did she say?"
Tanveer: "Come here from the
down of the bed you idiot."

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Q: why was the egyption girl worried?
A: because her daddy was a mummy.

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