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Q: What dog keeps the best time?
A: A watch dog.

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Q: Where do bees go to the bathroom?
A: At the BP station!

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Q: What did the judge say when
the skunk walked in the court room?
A: Odor in the court.

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Q: Why did the tomato turn red?
A: It saw the salad dressing!

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Q: What did the grape do when it got stepped on?
A: It let out a little wine!

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A guy walked into the pub and said:
"Can you remove this steering wheel from my pants?"
The bartender said: "Why is that there is it annoying?"
"Yes," the man said, "its driving me nuts"

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Doctor: "Nurse, how is that little boy doing,
the one who swallowed ten quarters?"
Nurse: "No change yet."

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Q: What is a hooker in Alaska called?
A: A frostitute!

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Q. What do you call an honest lawyer?
A. An oxymoron.

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Q. What did the apple say to the worm?
A. You're boring me.

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