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Q: what do you call a world without pandas?
A: un-bear-a-bul.

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A lady came up to a man
on the street and pointed
at his suede jacket.
"Do you know that a cow
was murdered for that
jacket?" she sneered.
He replied in a psychotic
tone, "I didn't know there
were any witnesses. Now
I'll have to kill you too."

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Q: Where do Superman's goldfish live?
A: In the supper bowl.

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A city mouse had a country
mouse stay for the weekend,
and spent the whole time
offering urban advice.
On the last evening of the
country mouse's visit, they
were dining in the kitchen
when in came the largest
cat the country mouse had
ever seen.
"Don't panic", said the town
mouse, "Leave this to me."
Marching up to the cat she
said, "Bow wow wow wow!"
The cat turned and ran
from the room.
"How did you do that?" asked
the country mouse.
"Like I told you," said
the town mouse, "it pays
to learn a second language."

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