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A parrot was in a pet shop with a string
attached to each leg when a man walked in
looking to buy a pet. A shopkeeper came
over and started to try and sell him a
dog when the man noticed the parrot.
He asked what the strings were for and
the shopkeeper replied, "Well, if you
pull the right string the parrot says,
'Polly wanna cracker'. If you pull the
left string it says, 'my name's Sam'".
The man being of the inquisitive nature
tried both and thought it was really neat,
but was still curious. So he asked what
would happen if he pulled both strings,
the parrot piped up, "I'd fall off the
perch you idiot!!!"

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Q: What do you call a cow eating grass in a paddock?
A: A lawn mooer.

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Q: How do you gwt a baby to cross the street?
A: You tie him to a chicken.

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Two women that are dog owners are
arguing about which dog is smarter..
First Woman : "My dos is so smart,
every morning he waits for the paper
boy to come around and then he takes
the newspaper and brings it to me.
Second Woman : "I know..."
First Woman : "How?"
Second Woman : "My dog told me."

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