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A man had a very small penis,
so he went to a witch to make
it longer.
She said, “Go into the forest
and ask the toad there to marry
you, each time it says no,
your penis will grow one inch.”
Happy, the man ran to the forest
and started yelling, “Froggie,
Froggie, will you marry me?”
The frog, of course, replied, “No”
and the man's penis grew one inch.
So he repeated this again,
“Froggie, Froggie, will you
marry me?”
The frog yelled back “NO!”
After a couple times more,
the frog was getting mad,
but the man decided one more
time and one more inch wouldn't
hurt, so he yelled again,
“Froggie, Froggie, will you
marry me?”
And the exasperated frog said,
“Don't you undrstand? no!no!no!NO!!!”

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Q: What do you get when you cross
a centipede with a turkey?
A: Drumsticks for everybody!

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Q: What's black and brown and
looks good on a lawyer?
A: A Doberman pinscher.

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Two guys were driving down
the road when they saw a goat
with its head stuck in a fence.
"Hey man pull over here,"
said one of the guys.
"I want to go screw this goat."
He does, and when he is
done he says, "Okay, now it's
your turn."
So his friend sticks his own
head in the fence.

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