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Q: Why did the chicken cross the playground?
A: To get to the other slide

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Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To show the armadillo that it was possible.

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A guy walks into a bar, and there's a horse behind the bar serving drinks. The guy is
staring at the horse, when the horse says,
"Hey man? What are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a horse serving drinks before?"
The guy says, "No, it's not that, it's just that I never thought the parrot would sell
the place."

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A goldfish walks into a bar, jumps up on a bar stool and looks at the bartender really
hard. The bartender bewildered asks the goldfish,
"What can I get you?"
Goldfish keeps looking at the guy really deep and says in a gasp: "Water."

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