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A boy to a girl: 2+2+1 is equal to 5,
i can pee in yours but you can never in mine.
A girl to a boy: 2+2+1 is equal to 5,
i can know your length, but you can never
know the depth in mine.

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A deaf husband and his wife were in bed one evening.
When the husband signs to his wife: "If you want
sex pull my thingy once for yes and 99 times for no."

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Q: What's the difference between
a rooster and a hooker?
A: One says cock-a-doodle-doo and
the other says any-cock-will-do.

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A man walked into a chemist and was
wandering around. When the assistant
asked him what he was looking for,
he said "Tampons for my wife."
Later he approaches the counter with
a bag of cotton wool and some string.
The assistant asks "I thought you were
looking for tampons?"
"I was but i remembered when i asked
my wife to buy me some ciggaretes
when she came back she had some tobacco
and papers and she said it was cheaper
so i was trying to do the same!"

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