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A guy goes over to his friends house,
rings the bell. The wife answers.
"Hi, is Tony home?"
"No, Chris, he went to the store."
"Well, do you mind if I wait?"
"No, come on in."
They sit down and the friend says,
"You know Sara, you have the greatest
breasts I've ever seen. I'd give you
a hundred bucks if I could just see one."
Sara thinks about this for a second
and figures, what the hell, a hundred
bucks is a hundred bucks. She opens
her robe and shows him one. He thanks
her and promptly throws a hundred
bucks on the table.
They sit there a while longer and Chris
says, "They are just so beautiful!
I've got to see them both. I'll give
you another hundred if I could just
see them both together."
Sara say what the hell, opens her robe
and gives Chris a nice long look.
Chris thanks her and throws another
hundred bucks on the table and says
he can't wait any longer for Tony and leaves.
A while later Tony arrives home and
his wife says, " You know, your weird
friend Chris came over." Tony thinks
about this for a second and says,
"Well, did he drop off the 200 bucks he owes me?"

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An elderly couple, still very loving
after all these years, is shocked
when the woman's doctor says she has
a heart condition that could kill her
at any time. She is to avoid stress,
eat right, and never, ever have sex
again--the strain would be too much.
The couple reluctantly try to live by
these rules. Both get really horny
over time, however, and the husband
decides he'd better sleep downstairs
on the couch to guard against temptation.
This works for a few weeks, until late
one night when they meet each other
on the stairs--she's coming downstairs,
he's heading up.
"Honey, I have a confession to make,"
the woman says, her voice quavering.
"I was about to commit suicide."
"I'm glad to hear it, sweetie,"
the man says, "Because I was just
coming upstairs to kill you!"

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Mrs. St. James was almost in tears.
"Oh Trudy," she said to her maid,
"I have reason to suspect that my
husband is having an affair with
his secretary."
"I don't believe it for one minute."
Trudy snapped. "You're just saying
that to make me jealous."

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A guy walks into a pharmacy and says to the pharmacist,
"Listen, I have three girls over tonight. I've never
had three girls at once. I need something to keep me
horny.. keep me potent."
The pharmacist reaches under the counter, unlocks the
bottom drawer and takes out a small cardboard box
marked with a label "Viagra Extra Strength" and says,
"Here, if you eat this, you'll go nuts for twelve hours."
The guy says, "Gimme three boxes."
The next day the guy walks into the same pharmacy.
limps up to the pharmacist and pulls down his pants.
The pharmacist looks in horror as he notices the man's
penis is black and blue, and skin is hanging off in
some places. The man says, "Gimme a bottle of Deep Heat."
The pharmacist replies in horror, "You can't put
Deep Heat on that!"
The man says, "No, it's for my arms, the girls didn't show up."

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