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Two homosexual guys were walking down the
road when one looked at the other and said
"You see that guy across the road?"
"Wow, he's cute!!!" the other said.
"Well, I had sex with that guy a couple of
years back." "No shit???" the other asked.
"Not much..." replied the first.

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A woman accompanied her husband
to the doctor's office. After his
checkup, the doctor called the
wife into his office alone. He
said, "Your husband is suffering
from a very severe stress disorder.
If you don't do the following,
your husband will surely die."
"Each morning, fix him a healthy
breakfast. Be pleasant at all
times. For lunch make him a
nutritious meal. For dinner
prepare an especially nice meal
for him. Don't burden him with
chores. Don't discuss your
problems with him, it will only
make his stress worse. No nagging.
And most importantly, make love
with your husband several times
a week. If you can do this for
the next 10 months to a year,
I think your husband will regain
his health completely." On the
way home, the husband asked his
wife, "What did the doctor say?"
“He said you're going to die"
she replied.

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A woman was very distraught at the
fact that she had not had a date or
any sex in quite some time. She was
afraid she might have something wrong
with her, so she decided to seek the
medical expertise of a sex therapist.
Her doctor recommended that she see
a well-known Chinese sex therapist,
Dr.Chang, so she went to see him.
Upon entering the examination room,
Dr. Chang said, "OK, take off all
you crose." The woman did as she was
told. "Now, get down and craw reery,
reery fass to odder side of room."
Again, the woman did as she was
instructed. Dr.Chang then said,
"OK,now craw reery, reery fass back
to me." So she did. Dr. Chang shook
his head slowly and said, "Your
probrem vewy bad. You haf Ed Zachary
Disease. Worse case I ever see. Dat
why you not haf sex or dates."
Worried, the woman asked anxiously,
"Oh my God, Dr. Chang, what is Ed
Zachary Disease?" Dr. Chang looked
the woman in the eye and replied,
"Ed Zachary Disease is when your
face rook Ed Zachary rike your ass."

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True Story... A female news anchor who,
the day after it was supposed to have
snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman
and asked, "So Bob, where's that 6 inches
you promised me last night?" Not only
did he have to leave the set, but half
the crew did too... they were laughing
so hard.

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