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A new employee joins the Company,
and is required to have a password
setup for his computer. The boss
directed a secretary to setup the
password for him. The secretary
asks the man for the password.
The man, attempting to embrass the
secretary in order to show superiority,
said, "Penis."
Blushed, the secretary inputted
the password Penis, and re-typed
it again. Then she hit enter. The
whole office heard the secretary
bursting out of laughters as a
reaction from the computer's screen:
"Password rejected. Reason: Too short"

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A teacher was wrapping up class,
and started talking about tomorrow's
final exam. He said there would be
no excuses for not showing up tomorrow,
barring a dire medical condition or an
immediate family member's death.
One smart ass, male student said,
"What about extreme sexual exhaustion?"
and the whole classroom burst into
laughter. After the laughter had
subsided, the teacher glared at the
student, and said, "Not an excuse,
you can use your other hand to write."

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Q: What goes in hard and pink,
but comes out soft and mushy?
A: Bubblegum (what were you thinking?)

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Q : What's 72?
A : 69 with 3 people watching !

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