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So this guy walks in to a bar with his dog
he puts the dog on the bar and says to the
bartender this is the smartest dog in the
world I bet you five dollars that you can
ask him any thing and he will tell you the
right answer so he said all right what is
10+11+13 the dog said 34 wow he did get
it so hand over the 5 dollar bill and then
the guy said don't let my dog go anywhere
I have to use the bathroom so he hands the
dog the 5 dollars to hold on to.While the
guy was in the bathroom the bartender and
the dog were having a conversation with
each other so the bartender says if your so
smart go down the road and get me a newspaper
So the dog goes out.When the guy comes he can't
see his dog so he asks the bartender where the
dog was the bartender answered that the dod went
to get him a newspaper the guy throws a fit
and goes out to find his dog he looked all over
until he find his dog in an alley fucking a poodle
so he asks his dog: what are you doing you have
never done this before.
So the dog says: I have never had 5 dollars
before either.

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After a bit of Christmas shopping three little old ladies,
shivering from the cold, decided to get a drink at a local bar.
After the second round of hot toddies, the first little old lady
said to the others
"Have any of you decided what to give the doorman for Christmas?"
The first little old lady said,
"I think I'll give him some money... I think he could use the money."
The second little old lady said,
"Perhaps, but I've seen him at this bar several times, already…I
think I'll give him a bottle."
The two of them turn to the third little old lady, who was quietly sipping
her drink and asked,
"...and what are YOU giving the doorman for Christmas?"
"I," said the woman with a smile, "am giving the doorman SEX."
What the two exclaimed, "You're giving the doorman sex!
And what does your husband think about that?"
"In fact," she replied, "my husband told me I should give the doorman sex.
Why just last night I asked my husband
'What are we giving the doorman for Christmas?'
and he said to me, 'The doorman, FUCK THE DOORMAN!'

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3 guys walk into a bar. A woman stops them and tells them they can come
in only if their dick lengths add up to a foot. The first guy gets out
his dick and its 5 inches long, the second guy gets his out and its 5
inches long, the third guy gets his out and its 1 inch long so they are
let in.
The first guy says, "Thank god my dicks so long".
The second guy says, "Thank god my dicks so long".
So the third guy says, "Thank god I had a stiffy".

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A lady walks into a lesbian bar and order's a bloody mary.
A blonde walks over to her and says,
"Where do you know me from"?

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