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One night a man was getting very drunk
in a pub. He staggered to the toilets at the
back of the pub to take a piss, whipping
his prick out as he went in the door.
However, he had wandered into the ladies
room by mistake, surprising a woman who
was on her way out of the toilet.
"This is for ladies!" she screamed.
The drunk waved his dick at her and said
"So is this!"

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A woman walked into an accountant's
office and told him that she needed to
file her taxes. The accountant said,
"Before we begin, I'll need to ask a
few questions."
He got her name, address, social security number,
etc. and then asked,
"What is your occupation?"
The woman replied, "I'm a whore."
The accountant balked and said,
"No, no, no. That will never work. That is
much too crass. Let's try to rephrase that."
The woman said,
"OK, I'm a prostitute."
"No, that is still too crude. Try again."
They both think for a minute, then the
woman stated,
"I'm a chicken farmer."
The accountant asked,
"What does chicken farming have to do
with being a whore or a prostitute?"
"Well, I raised over 5,000 cocks
last year!"

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The other day I was having an asthma
attack when I received an obscene phone
call. He intoned in a low, husky voice various
sexual deviancies but as my gasps from my
asthma attack got harsher he paused and asked,
"Wait, did I call you or did you call me?"

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Q: What is the difference between men
and women...
A: A woman wants one man to satisfy
her every need. A man wants every
woman to satisfy his one need.

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