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Man walks into a bar, slap's down
a twenty dollar bill and asks the
bartender to keep the shots coming.
He just found out that his father
was a gay. Week later, the same
man comes in, slaps down another
twenty and asks the bartender to keep
the shots coming. He just found out
his brother was gay. Another week
passes, the same man stomps in,
infuriated. Slaps down a twenty.
"You know the drill," he tells the
bartender. The bartender shakes his
head in disbelief.
"Say," he mutters, "doesn't anyone in your
family sleep with women?"
"Yeah," says the unfortunate fellow,
"My wife!, I just found out tonight!"

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There was a newly married couple in
France who set up a video camera in their
bedroom to tape all of their honeymoon
activities. The man hooked up to camera
to their television set and put all the
wires together. Somehow when he
connected the camera to their tape
machine, certain crucial wires got crossed.
The couple started to engage in sex and
they were so involved in their act
of love-making. The honeymoon sex
was so enjoyable for them, as well as
anyone in their apartment building who
had turned their television set on.

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A man and a woman were driving
down the road arguing about his
deplorable fidelity practices ... suddenly
the woman reaches over and slices off
the mans pecker... angrily the woman
tosses the pecker out the window of the car...
Driving behind the car is a pickup truck with
a fella with his 10 year old daughter chatting
away beside him... all of the sudden,
the pecker smacks the pickup in the
windshield and bounces off... surprised, the
daughter asks her daddy,
"Daddy what in the heck was that ?!?"...
Not wanting to expose his 10 year old
daughter to sex at such a tender age,
the father replies,
"It was only a bug, honey"
The daughter gets a confused look on her face,
and after a minute, she says...
"Sure had a big dick!!!"

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An elderly Mr. Cohen and the widow Lissa were sitting in the lobby
of a retirement home.
Mr. Cohen, a widower himself, says to Lissa: "For five dollars, I'll have
sex with you on that rocking chair over there. For ten dollars, I'll have
sex with you on that couch. But for twenty dollars, I'll take you to my
room, light a few candles and give you a romantic evening of passion you'll
never forget."
Lissa considers this for a moment and then, after digging through her purse,
produces a twenty dollar bill.
Mr. Cohen says: "So, you want the romantic night in my room, eh?"
Lissa says: "No, I want four times in the rocker."

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