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One day, shortly after having her 9th baby,
the good Irish lady ran into her parish priest.
He congratulated her on the new offspring, then said:
"But isn't having nine babies a little much?"
Lady: "Well, I don't know why I get pregnant so often,
it must be something in the air."
Priest: "Yes, Your legs!"

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It's really hard being a pecker!
You have a head, but you can't think.
You've got an eye, but you can't see.
All you do is hang around all day with a couple of nuts.
Your closest neighbor is a real asshole.
And ever since AIDS, you gotta wear a rubber suit
and throw up all over yourself!

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Two sweet old ladies were sitting in the park,
feeding the birds, when a big burly guy walked up,
and sat down beside them on the bench.
Agnes: "Martha, this dirty bugger
is masturbating right next to me!"
Martha: "Oh my lord!,let's just leave, Agnes,".
Agnes: "I can't, He's using my hand."

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A woman walks into a drugstore.
Woman: "Do you sell size extra large condoms?"
Pharmacist: "Yes we do. Would you like to buy some?"
Woman: "No, but do you mind if I wait around here until
someone does?

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