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Q: Why doesn't Osama bin Laden have sex with his five wives?
A: Because every time he spreads their legs he sees Bush.

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President Bill Clinton called Jean
Chretien with a pressing emergency:
"Our largest condom factory has exploded!"
the American President cried,
"My people's favorite form of birth control!
This is a true disaster!"
"Bill, da Canajian pipple would be
'appy to do anyt'ing wit'in der power
to 'elp you," replied the Prime Minister.
"I do need your help," said Clinton.
"Could you possibly send us 1,000,000
condoms ASAP to tide us over?"
"Certainement! I will get on hit right
haway." said Jean.
"Oh, and one more small favor, please?"
said President Bill.
"Could the condoms be red, white and
blue, and at least 10 long and 4 in
diameter?" asked Clinton.
"No prob'lem," replied the Prime Minister,
and with that, Chretien hung up and
called the president of Trojan.
"I need a favor. You got to make 1,000,000
condoms right haway, an sen'em to America."
"Consider it done," said the President of Trojan.
"Great! Now listen mon ami. Dey haf to
be bleu, blanc 'n rouge in color;
hat least 10 hinches long, and 4 hinches
in dia' meter."
"That's easily done. Anything else?"
"Yes," said the Prime Minister,
"an print on dem MADE IN CANADA, size: MEDIUM."

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Traffic was backed up for miles, and policemen were going car to car.
When they got to my car I asked the officer what was going on.
He said: "It's Al Gore. He's up there threatening to set himself on fire! We are going car
to car collecting donations."
"Donations!" I said, "How much you got so far?"
He said: "about ten gallons."

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Q. Why does Hillary want to have sex with Bill Clinton first thing in the morning?
A. She wants to be the first lady

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